Baby N has been tongue tied since he was born. We went back and forth over what to do about it but the last time we saw our midwife she gave us the number of a dentist they recommend. Being tongue tied has made nursing painful for J and takes a really long time as baby N can't use his tongue properly so has to compensate with his lips. As he gets older it could cause problems with his speech development and as he can't stick out his tongue he wouldn't be able to lick an ice cream cone.
We headed to the dentist to have him assessed. The dentist took one look at him and said that he had a true tongue tie - one of the tighter ones he'd seen. So we decided to go ahead with the procedure to fix it. It wasn't easy to watch, but i think i was way more freaked by the whole thing than J or baby N. It was over quickly and J nursed him right away and felt a difference in his latch.
He has been so happy since we got it done and now has a new trick!!!